Anti Ageing Treatment in GTB Nagar, Delhi
Stop Aging with our most affordable and most effective Anti-Aging Treatment!
Visit The Monalisa Skin and Laser Clinic today !
What is anti-ageing?
Anti-ageing is a treatment to delay or stop the ageing process. Many treatments can help combat ageing, using both surgical and non-surgical procedures. Damage from too much sun exposure can take its toll and be responsible for most of the visible ageing of the skin. As well as photo-ageing, repeatedly spending time in the sun with a lack of sunscreen can lead to skin cancer alongside damage.
There is no treatment that deals with all skin issues and that will have the same result on every individual. A dermatologist can determine what would be the best procedure and whether a combination of treatments is needed.
What are the signs of ageing?
Ageing can take its toll in many different ways, including:
Expression lines and wrinkles
Loss of fat volume
Loss of bone structure
Sun damage – the worst offender